She's here! And early! Woke up about 3:00 am Sunday morning hurting, waited till about 3:30 and then told Rick I was going to ER because i was hurting to bad. Really figured it was just false labor so told him not to say a word to anyone till I knew for sure. Well, it wasn't two hours after I had been there that they told me they were keeping me and she'd probably be here within a few hours. Little did i know how true that was! With Braxton it was about 8 hours, Payton it took 3!!! First time I saw her I could not believe all the hair! I just loved it! What was scary though is the cord was around her neck pretty tight, she was blue, hands were blue and she didn't make a peep for a while! Really scared me! I think of she would have waited and came 2 weeks from now liked planned it might have been bad. Thanking God He was there the whole time! I'm blessed abundantly!

Pepaw & Payton

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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