Toby is our 2 1/2 year old treeing walker hound dog. He is so sweet! Last Saturday we went out to feed him and he wouldn't come out of his dog house, looked in and his paw was bleeding. He had almost ripped the middle toe off!! Took him to the vet and they put staples in it and a soft cast. Said he could not get it wet for 10 days, and he's an outside dog!!!! So we decided to let him sleep in the laundry room till he got his cast off. Slowly ive been letting him wonder all over the house and in the past 4 days he has not had an accident in my house! He's such a smart dog!
On our way home from the vet

Being spoiled already!

Us going for a late nite Diet Coke run to Sonic

He won't stop chewing his stuff off!!!

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