Sunday, May 15, 2011

Beautiful Sunday fishing at the pond

Since my mornings are out because of being sick, I really enjoy afternoons. Especially outside in the sunny weather! Today rick told Braxton he would let him fish in the pond by the house. Braxton loves being outside!

Braxton wouldn't touch the fish, but he finally agreed to hold the line

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Joys of having a boy

Been an exciting day around the Johnson house! Started when Braxton brought 2 frogs in the house in an old, nasty flower bucket. I told him to take that nasty bucket outside, so he did, but he dumped the frogs on my living room floor! I found one, but couldnt find the other one. So we go eat and come home and I go to finish laundry and something jumped at me. Of course I screamed and jumped backwards, Rick thought that was so funny. But he's scared of frogs so I picked it up and went to throw it on him, and Mr chicken goes and gets a cup of water and tells me that if I throw the frog on him, he's throwing water on me, it was great!!! Then after all the excitement we settled down and played Candyland with Braxton

The lost frog hiding in the laundry room

Mr. Tough with his deadly glass of water

Playing Candyland

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Braxton all grown up

Found some old pictures on the computer tonight of Braxton when he was born. Can't believe he'll be 4 at the end of this year, where did time go? Got lots of laughs looking at them, then sad at the same time at how fast he has grown.

Rick changing the first diaper (notice the gloves )

On his way home from the hospital

Feeding himself for the first time

His first birthday party

When he got sleepy he always put a "B" (blanket) on his head

First hair cut

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rain, rain go away!!!!

All this rain has us "rained in." Its unreal at how much rain has come through, I've never seen it this bad out here before. Since Erika Fricks lives just a street over we came across the fence to socialize! Danny and Melissa got rained in here last night also.

This is down our road, unreal.

This is at the end of our road, notice the house in the background that's flooded.

This is looking to the right by the stop sign, a car got carried away.

There's Erika relaxing in her chair, Braxton & Macey playing "house"

Melissa and Sarah

And rick snoring

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